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Tuberculosis – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment In Karimnagar

Tuberculosis – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment in Karimnagar

Tuberculosis has been a widespread disease in India throughout its history, impacting people from all walks of life. Tuberculosis, colloquially called “TB,” is a bacterial infection that can spread from one person to another through tiny droplets when a person speaks or sneezes.

When infected, the symptoms start as cough, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, and fever, and they may get severe, leading to lung damage, neurological problems, paralysis, kidney failure, and even death. Because of its contagiousness, ability to spread to other parts of the body, and cause complications, TB has become one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide.

“While it was more prevalent in the early 19th and 20th centuries, Tuberculosis has not completely disappeared even today. Even in the remote areas of Karimnagar, we regularly identify and treat tuberculosis cases. Because TB is more contagious, it becomes even more dangerous among the close-knit communities in rural areas,” says Tuberculosis specialist in Karimnagar Dr. Raj Kumar Korra at Lalitha Chest and Skin Hospital.

To improve awareness about Tuberculosis in Karimnagar, we have decided to provide brief information about this infectious disease, its causes, symptoms, and Tuberculosis treatment available today. Read on to know:

What is Tuberculosis? How does it impact the human body?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection primarily caused by a type of bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This contagious disease spreads through the air when the infected person sneezes or coughs and releases tiny infection droplets into the environment.

The bacteria that reach through the droplets directly affect the lungs. Sometimes, the bacteria get buried in the deeper parts of the lungs and are controlled without adverse effects. But, in most cases, when the immune system does not prevent the bacteria, they break out and begin to cause problems in the lungs and eventually to the body’s other parts.

Symptoms of Tuberculosis and How to Identify Tuberculosis:

Persistent Cough: The bacteria causes lung infections, primarily leading to a persistent cough, which may produce phlegm and, in severe cases, blood.

Chest Pain: As the lung infection worsens, the bacteria can cause chest pain, which intensifies when one coughs or takes a deep breath.

Miscellaneous Symptoms: The TB bacteria can cause various problems, manifesting as weight loss, fever, loss of appetite, fatigue and weakness, night chills, and even sweats.

“In some cases, the TB bacteria can spread beyond the lungs, affecting different body parts. Lung nodes, kidneys, bladder, bones and joints, and organs in the abdomen are the most commonly affected areas in TB,” says Pulmonologist and TB doctor in Karimnagar, Dr. Raj Kumar Korra.

Treatment for Tuberculosis in Karimnagar:

The primary treatment for TB involves a combination of antibiotics over several months until the bacteria subsides from the system. Tuberculosis has two types: drug-sensitive, which is responsive to drugs, and drug-resistant, which is not. For drug-sensitive TB, a standard regimen includes four antibiotic medications for about two months, followed by two of these four medications for the following months. As for drug-resistant TB, the choice of medications differs, and comprehensive treatment and monitoring become essential for a more extended period.

“Throughout the treatment, careful monitoring and reporting of any side effects become mandatory, along with precautionary steps to prevent the spread of the disease,” says Dr. Raj Kumar, a Tuberculosis doctor in Karimnagar.

Causes of Tuberculosis: Why Rural Areas are More Susceptible to Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. While the infection can happen anywhere, TB is prevalent and spreads rapidly in rural areas.

“Poor sanitation, ventilation and unhygienic living conditions increase susceptibility to this infection. These external factors, combined with a lack of proper awareness and healthcare facilities, further make TB a severe problem in rural areas of Karimnagar. Not everyone can search on Google for a ‘Tuberculosis specialist near me’ or the ‘best TB doctor near me’ to reach out to a specialist,” says a Pulmonologist and TB specialist at Lalitha Chest and Skin Hospital.

While Tuberculosis can be a severe medical condition, early identification, diagnosis, and treatment can help alleviate the symptoms and make it easy for the patient to win over this bacterial infection and curb its spread. If you are in Karimnagar and are looking for the best Tuberculosis specialist, you can consult the TB specialist in Karimnagar, Dr. Raj Kumar Korra here.


Everything You Need To Know About Asthma: Types, Symptoms & Causes

Everything You Need to Know About Asthma: Types, Symptoms & Causes

Asthma is one of India’s most common chronic respiratory diseases, affecting more than 25 million patients, both adults and children. In India, Asthma is a serious health problem that can significantly impact health, even resulting in the death of children and young adults.

Our country has the highest number of asthma cases, and its prevalence has rapidly increased among our children in recent years. Unfortunately, most asthma  cases in Karimnagar are either undertreated or underdiagnosed due to a lack of awareness among the general public.

At Lalitha Chest and Skin Clinic in Karimnagar, we continue to see a growing number of asthma cases, where most patients do not reach out to us until their symptoms show up due to a lack of awareness about this condition.

So, with inputs from the best asthma doctor in Karimnagar, Dr. Rajkumar Korra, we aim to give you the most relevant information about Asthma, its types, causes, & symptoms, to provide complete awareness about this condition. Read on to know more:

What is an Asthma?

Asthma is a respiratory illness that is characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to breathing difficulties, coughing & wheezing.

Airways are the tiny tubes in the lungs through which we breathe in and out. Think of them as little straws through which air passes in and out. Asthma is a chronic lung condition that swells up these airways and narrows them, making breathing challenging.

So, with Asthma, a person will have trouble breathing like an average person does, and it feels like someone is pinching their airways. When the person does not get enough air, they might start coughing and making a wheezing sound to try to draw in more air unsuccessfully.

“When an asthma attack happens, your airways become inflamed and narrowed. This makes it harder for air to flow in and out of your lungs. Asthma can be either a temporary condition that suddenly springs up as an asthma attack in certain conditions, or it could be a chronic condition with continuous ongoing symptoms”, says Dr. Rajkumar Korra, the top pulmonologist and the best asthma doctor in Karimnagar.

Types of Asthma:

As Pulmonologist Dr. Raj Kumar Korra explained, there is no single type of Asthma. This respiratory disease can be divided into categories based on the symptoms’ cause, severity, and frequency.

    • Based on the frequency of the symptoms:
      Intermittent Asthma: The symptoms of Asthma come and go intermittently. The patient may feel normal and healthy between these asthma flare-ups, but when the attack strikes, it comes with its symptoms.
      Persistent Asthma: Persistent Asthma is when the patient suffers ongoing or continuous symptoms, which can be mild, moderate, or severe.
    • Based on the causes of Asthma:
      Allergic: Allergens like pollen, mold, and pet dander are triggers that may cause asthma attacks in specific individuals. In most cases, this could be seasonal.
      Non-Allergic: Asthma can also be due to environmental conditions without the involvement of allergens. Exercise, stress, weather, and even illnesses can trigger Asthma in a few patients.
    • Based on the age of the patient:
      Early Onset or Paediatric Asthma: Asthma can be a paediatric condition where children under five may suffer asthma flare-ups. In some cases, children may outgrow Asthma, but in others, they will need continuous treatment to mitigate the symptoms.
      Adult Onset Asthma: Asthma need not be only a paediatric condition. After age 18, adults may also develop Asthma due to newly discovered allergies, exercise, stress, or illnesses.

Who can get Asthma?

“Asthma can occur in childhood and even in adulthood. It can happen due to respiratory conditions or external factors like stress, exercise, or allergens. In short, Asthma can happen to anyone at any time,” says the best asthma doctor in Karimnagar, Dr. Rajkumar Korra.

Asthma Causes: Why Does Asthma Happen?

The chronic or temporary predisposition of Asthma leads to flare-up of symptoms and eventual Asthma attack where the airways narrow and make breathing difficult. The narrowing of airways in Asthma can happen for three reasons:

  • The muscles around the airways get tighter and swollen to constrict the airways, narrowing them and making it more challenging for them to carry air.
  • The airways get inflamed and swollen, which further narrows the airways.
  • At the same time, asthma attacks trigger the production of large volumes of mucus, which may further clog the airways, making breathing difficult.

All three conditions happen in Asthma to varying degrees, making breathing difficult. Environmental conditions, genetic predisposition, respiratory conditions, illnesses, or even allergi
es may also trigger Asthma, leading to all the above factors that eventually make breathing difficult.

Symptoms of Asthma: How Does Asthma Feel Like?

The symptoms of Asthma vary from person to person, depending on the severity and type of condition they suffer from. As Asthma Doctor Dr. Rajkumar Korra mentioned, Asthma can be a condition with intermittent symptoms, symptoms in certain situations, or a chronic condition with continuous signs. Some of the most common symptoms experienced by patients include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing in the morning and at night
  • Pressure on the chest, tightness, or chest pain
  • Wheezing sounds when breathing out (common in children)

Asthma is considered severe when the above symptoms become more frequent to the point that they become bothersome. Severe Asthma can quickly worsen and make it extremely tough to get oxygen into the body, potentially leading to death.

It is always advisable to consult a qualified pulmonologist or asthma doctor as soon as possible to avoid worsening these symptoms. If you are unsure whom to consult, search for best asthma doctor near me or best allergy and asthma specialist near me on Google to reach out to a specialist as soon as possible.

If you live in and around Karimnagar, you can directly reach out to Lalitha Chest and Skin Clinic to find the best asthma doctor in Karimnagar, Dr. Rajkumar Korra here: